The Drama League Expands Programs to Mentor and Train Directors
Revamping their Directors Project, the League is focusing on providing financial stability and employment opportunities for the post-pandemic era.
Revamping their Directors Project, the League is focusing on providing financial stability and employment opportunities for the post-pandemic era.
The League also announced the date of the virtual Drama League Awards ceremony this May.
The 20-director council will help guide the organization into the future.
The honors recognize artistic achievement on and Off-Broadway.
11 directing fellows have been selected from hundreds of applicants.
Colette Robert and ensemble company Little Lord are among the artists who will be given money and space to develop new work.
After the degree (or without it), there are myriad alternatives for directors to learn their chops.
Winners included ‘Hamilton,’ ‘The Humans,’ ‘The Color Purple,’ and ‘A View from the Bridge.’
Twenty-seven artists, including two participants from Romania, will partake in the Drama League’s residency program.