Company Care as a Business Model
While finding ways to survive in a system hostile to artmaking, we can also make liberatory practices part of our organizational culture.
While finding ways to survive in a system hostile to artmaking, we can also make liberatory practices part of our organizational culture.
A colleague remembers the playwright/director/auteur/founder of NYC’s Ontological-Hysteric Theatre, who died on Jan. 4 at the age of 87.
From Feb. 10-22, the festival will highlight performing arts in the Georgia city, including a staging of ‘A Gentleman’s Guide to Love and Murder.’
An arts administrator whose résumé spans Philly’s experimental ensemble Pig Iron and Canada’s mainstream Theatre Calgary, she’ll succeed Jeremy Blocker at the Off-Broadway powerhouse.
The organization will launch a nationwide search for a successor for Kaminski, who served as artistic director for 7 years.
With our art form and industry at a crossroads, now is not the time for timidity or self-censorship.
This month Brian talks with the playwright, producer, Fire This Time Festival founder, and Apollo Theater director of new works about drama, balance, and Louisiana history.
How a versatile actor picked up ancient Greek in his spare time, and soon became the unlikely bearer of an intimate and ancient tale—in its original language.
An interview with the playwright of ‘Eureka Day’ about creating the play in a pre-Covid world and seeing the show anew through a changed society.
From early-1900s Florida to 1930s-era Seattle, theatremakers both practical and idealistic clocked some milestones.