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Peer-to-peer learning has always been at the foundation of our field, and is one of the key ways TCG fulfills its mission and purpose.
Peer-to-peer learning has always been at the foundation of our field, and is one of the key ways TCG fulfills its mission and purpose.
Formed to address the needs of a nascent resident theatre movement, TCG has grown, and is still growing, to serve an ever-changing field.
She will leave the agency in June, at the conclusion of her four-year term.
Despite threats of total elimination, the nation’s arts and humanities got a small boost today.
Of $25 million in NEA grants this round, more than $2 million goes to 123 theatres across the U.S.
A Bay Area writer sits down with an outgoing theatre giant, and a historian looks at theatre’s starring role in U.S. arts advocacy.
Arts Midwest is biggest grantee, with 132 other arts organizations in 30 states and D.C. also receiving grants for theatre projects.
On this week’s podcast, actor Orville Mendoza talks ‘Pacific Overtures’ and working with director John Doyle. Plus the editors discuss arts advocacy and how to talk to your Congresspeople about the NEA.
In this week’s episode, we welcome playwright Martín Zimmerman. Plus, the editors talk Broadway and the NEA.
Established by presidential fiat 52 years ago, the NEA and NEH are on a list of dozens of agencies the new president wants to eliminate.