O, for ‘A Thousand Tongues’: An American Soundscape Heads for Poland
Samantha Shay’s music-based piece finds a berth in the aesthetic home of Grotowski.
Samantha Shay’s music-based piece finds a berth in the aesthetic home of Grotowski.
How a bi-national production of ‘Antigone’ took shape in remote Brzezinka, where Grotowkski’s animating spirit still holds sway.
The ensemble of Cutting Ball’s ‘Antigone’ ranged widely in age and experience, but their intensive work in Brzezinka fused them into an ensemble.
When the Polish theatre guru came to teach in Irvine in the 1980s, he turned the group into a new experiment in mystery and discipline.
Jan Kott writes about the exchange between life and drama so artfully that it sometimes appears that history and literature have performed his critical tasks for him.
He treats design—from’ Sweeney Todd’ to ‘Saturday Night Live’—as a puzzle to be solved.