Play Fair on Pay
How can institutions confront inequity and entrenched privilege in their hiring and workplace policies? Transparency is a good start.
How can institutions confront inequity and entrenched privilege in their hiring and workplace policies? Transparency is a good start.
This season will include classic plays from Shakespeare, Tennessee Williams, and Tom Stoppard.
The season features the return of a holiday classic and an audience favorite.
How the Pasadena company’s staging of Molière’s choppy late play found its shape, from its wigs on down to its bodily fluids.
Why some theatres—and their loyal audiences—keep eagerly boarding the repertory merry-go-round, season after grueling season.
The theatre will remount some productions, including ‘King Lear’ and ‘The Imaginary Invalid.’
The slate ranges from Feydeau to Pirandello, Shakespeare to Shaw, plus Miller and a new adaptation of Anouilh’s ‘Antigone.’
We talked to 10 theatre artists about the trials, tribulations and triumphs of collaborating—in work and in life.
Nine adaptations of Shakespeare’s “The Tempest,” ranging from American Repertory Theater to Cornerstone Theater, that shows you don’t need to do it as a straight play, or set it in Italy, to make it magical (though you can add real magic if you’re really ambitious).
That’s the name of the game when theatres design educational programs for adults.