Trial by Satire
American peace groups, West Germany’s Green Party and the Plutonium Players practice politics as theatre—in courtrooms, in the streets, on the six o’clock news.
American peace groups, West Germany’s Green Party and the Plutonium Players practice politics as theatre—in courtrooms, in the streets, on the six o’clock news.
There’s no mystery to making a musical, declares the theatre’s most acclaimed composer. It’s just hard work.
American plays offer new truths about the collective trauma of Vietnam.
Wooster Group and Richard Foreman collaborate, a festival of one-acts, and more.
An excerpt from ‘Walden.’
Theatre Facts dissent, a defense of the subscription model, and more.
Can challenging work survive in an age of impulse buying? Ambitious new plays may provide the answer.
As director of Moscow’s avant-garde Taganka Theatre, he became ‘the theatrical conscience of his nation.’ Now in exile, his future lies in the West.
In the New American Epics, drama busts out of the living room into the open spaces of our national history.
A new play from Beth Henley, second stages proliferate, theme seasons, and more.