House/Divided, the Builders Association
The Joads 2.0.
The Joads 2.0.
Anne Hamilton’s oral history project, TheatreNow!, highlights important female figures in the American theatre landscape.
Commemorating the lives of Richard Adler, Gore Vidal, Marina Keegan, Gregory R. Tate, and René Hainaux.
The latest updates from theatres across the county.
Awards and prizes listed from American Theatre’s October 2012 issue.
How directors and dramaturgs have approached ‘The Whipping Man,’ ‘The Motherfucker With the Hat,’ ‘Freud’s Last Session,’ and ‘Good People.’
Entrances and exits from American Theatre’s October 2012 issue.
This expat playwright hasn’t found much love in U.S. theatres, and the feeling is mutual.
Kathleen Marshall remembers a celebrated costume designer and friend.
Christopher Parks’s play ‘Sunjata Kamelenya’ propels its child audience into action.