Onstage This Week: Nov. 24-Dec. 1
As Thanksgiving approaches, it’s not just holiday fare lighting up the nation’s stages but a notably large helping of Shakespeare, musicals, and provocative drama.
As Thanksgiving approaches, it’s not just holiday fare lighting up the nation’s stages but a notably large helping of Shakespeare, musicals, and provocative drama.
Playwrights Ayad Akhtar and Mallery Avidon and composer Julianne Wicke Davis are among those who will share development space at the Sundance’s ranch in Wyoming.
Another lively, intimate week of theatre talk.
More than an acting exercise or a comedy gimmick, improv may have grown into the legit theatrical genre some of its pioneers always envisioned.
How a troupe of L.A.-based improvisers reawakened one critic’s taste for the possibilities of live theatre.
The distance from the Royal Shakespeare Company to the Improvised Shakespeare may not be as far as you think.
This week’s guest is TCG board president Diane Rodriguez, who discusses the recent TCG board meetings, the Latino theatre movement and the L.A. 99-seat plan. Plus, the editors preview our December issues, out this week.
A director whose stage career spanned improv, tragedy, even musicals, as well as some very fine film adaptations of plays.
When the nation’s most powerful newspaper chooses to review new plays in early productions outside New York, is that helping or hurting the field?
Two new plays in two different cities raise new questions about shadowy government plots of the 1980s. Coincidence?