6 Theatre Workers You Should Know
From professors to producers and dramaturgs to designers, here are six theatre workers from the DMV to know.
From professors to producers and dramaturgs to designers, here are six theatre workers from the DMV to know.
Whiteway has served the Richmond theatre community for 48 years.
Stanford will depart the organization after more than 30 years of service to young audiences in the DMV area and beyond.
The upcoming season was the first planned by artistic director Jeanette Harrison, who was appointed in 2022.
Two new books consider the possibilities and limits of documentary theatre in a polarized nation.
Two books come not to bury the Bard but to bring his writing down to the common ground we share.
Priscilla Gilman’s memoir portrays her father, Richard Gilman, as a passionate, difficult figure who bequeathed her life lessons, many unwittingly.
Patti Hartigan’s excellent new biography gives us a rich portrait of the playwright’s life and art, and a measure of his significance.
A reporter and critic who knew Wilson nearly from the start of his playwriting peak, she wrote the biography she wanted to see.
In serving constellations of disability, this growing program within Chicago Children’s Theatre builds confidence, celebrates joy, and fills a gap in support networks.