Florida Rep Names Greg Longenhagen Artistic Director
Greg Longenhagen succeeds a.d. Robert Cacioppo, who was fired in April for alleged bullying.
Greg Longenhagen succeeds a.d. Robert Cacioppo, who was fired in April for alleged bullying.
Kalke, who succeeds playwright Lee Nowell, will join the company starting Oct. 22.
In her boundary-breaking, civically engaged play, Heidi Schreck shows that a woman telling her story is a political, and powerful, act
Ubuntu Theater Project gambled on a name-your-price subscription model—and it worked.
The writer of ‘Skeleton Crew’ and ‘Pipeline’ will receive $625,000 over 5 years.
A quiet fixture of L.A.’s theatre scene, Ong wrote a wide variety of plays and showed up to support even more.
Bleu Beckford-Burrell, Sarah Einspanier, Keelay Gipson, and Else C. Went will serve 9-month fellowships at the New York City company.
From Jane Addams’s co-founding of Chicago’s Hull House to Jane Alexander as a fictional first female Supreme Court justice, October has been a notable month for theatre.
From a director of patron services in D.C. to a dramaturg in Illinois, here are some theatre folks you should have on your radar.
Hierarchical leadership and ‘best practices’ from 20, even 10 years ago, are no longer able to solve the challenges facing our field today.