Based upon a section of Tolstoy’s War and Peace, this musical extravaganza follows the story of Natasha, a young woman who arrives in Moscow longing for her fiancé, and Pierre, a middle-aged man full of regrets. Expect to find the Ashby Stage transformed with onstage seating!
Natasha, Pierre & the Great Comet of 1812
Based upon a section of Tolstoy’s War and Peace, this musical extravaganza follows the story of Natasha, a young woman who arrives in Moscow longing for her fiancé, and Pierre, a middle-aged man full of regrets. Expect to find the Ashby Stage transformed with onstage seating! Support American Theatre: a just and thriving theatre ecology begins with information for all. Please join us in this mission by joining TCG, which entitles you to copies of our quarterly print magazine and helps support a long legacy…