The Adventures of Seucy and Boto is an episodic series for kids about the adventures of Seucy, a brave little girl who, along with her friends, battles any obstacle in order to keep the Amazon jungle safe and protect the plants and inhabitants of the rainforest from harm. A production of Loco7 Dance Puppet Theatre Company.
La MaMa Kids: The Adventures of Seucy and Boto and the Tree Eating Monster
The Adventures of Seucy and Boto is an episodic series for kids about the adventures of Seucy, a brave little girl who, along with her friends, battles any obstacle in order to keep the Amazon jungle safe and protect the plants and inhabitants of the rainforest from harm. A production of Loco7 Dance Puppet Theatre Company. Support American Theatre: a just and thriving theatre ecology begins with information for all. Please join us in this mission by joining TCG, which entitles you to copies of…