Thanks to a magic giant peach, an elderly Black couple in Georgia give birth to a Japanese boy, beginning an adventure where spirited animals join the fight against the true ogres of corporate greed, racism, and gentrification in Georgia. A new tale from old storytelling traditions. Produced in collaboration with the Parsnip Ship, in association with Business Lunch Productions.

Br’er Peach
Thanks to a magic giant peach, an elderly Black couple in Georgia give birth to a Japanese boy, beginning an adventure where spirited animals join the fight against the true ogres of corporate greed, racism, and gentrification in Georgia. A new tale from old storytelling traditions. Produced in collaboration with the Parsnip Ship, in association with Business Lunch Productions. Support American Theatre: a just and thriving theatre ecology begins with information for all. Please join us in this mission by joining TCG, which entitles you to…