Lauren Gunderson and Jennifer Le Blanc Share Heart and Mind
The playwright and the actor talk about their collaboration.
The playwright and the actor talk about their collaboration.
This dynamic actor and playwright duo transform the Undermain Theatre into other worlds.
The two artists discuss nearly three decades of working together.
Close collaboration and unhurried gestation characterize the work of this unique ensemble company of two.
After three decades working together, these two have learned to fight from a place of respect as much as passion.
Cohen directs the Peacebuilding and the Arts Program to bring the arts to conflicted areas around the globe.
‘The Winter’s Tale’ solidifies a bond between Pennsylvania and Glasgow—and brings actors of all ages together.
The Oregon-based director takes his cue (and sometimes his wattage) from audiences around the globe.
The producer’s talent is in matchmaking, bringing artists and institutions together across borders.
Under the Radar’s co-curator has more questions than answers.