St. Patrick’s Day 2017 
Here are some production photos of shows by playwrights from the Emerald Isle.
Here are some production photos of shows by playwrights from the Emerald Isle.
From Providence, R.I., to Sarasota, Fla., here are current and past stage productions featuring Martin Luther King Jr.
From shadow puppetry to chamber operas, here are some experimental theatre festivals taking place this month.
From clown noses to wolf heads, America to Israel, ‘Presenting Shakespeare’ showcases how the Bard’s work is sold around the world.
Katori Hall’s 2009 play, which imagines MLK’s final night at the Lorraine Motel, has become a staple on U.S. stages.
Equal parts interpretive artists and athletes, theatre production photographers learn to live in the moments they’re capturing.
In honor of Martin Luther King Day, here are 10 notable recent productions of Katori Hall’s oft-produced two-hander.
From little black dresses to jeans, bicycles to balloons, six memorable reinventions of Stephen Sondheim and James Lapine’s “Into the Woods” from 2014 (not counting the movie).
The flowery bed where a donkey-man and a fairy queen meet cute is an iconic Shakespearean image, so it’s no surprise it’s graced our cover so often.