Fear of Falling
Pushing ‘Master Builder’ over the expressionistic edge.
Pushing ‘Master Builder’ over the expressionistic edge.
The World Cup meets the collapse Western civilization.
Why is it, playwright Tina Howe wonders out loud before an audience of women, that men can write with knuckles bared but women have to pull their punches?
Two toothsome plays take a bite out of Humana.
An award-winning playwright takes aim at undergraduate arts training, not to mention the Fortune 500, sex education, and the occasional piece of Republican legislation.
A Turkish festival mirrors the nation’s cultural crisis.
The debate continues in the wake of the address and its aftermath.
Humana is two decades old, and still surprising.
He’s playwright, director, theorist—and his own worst enemy.
A look at Steppenwolf’s new staging of Faulkner’s ‘As I Lay Dying.’