A Film Critic in Love in ‘The Black White Love Play’
A new show at Black Ensemble Theater sets Chaz and Roger Ebert’s storied romance to music.
A new show at Black Ensemble Theater sets Chaz and Roger Ebert’s storied romance to music.
Jokes about sexual assault seldom have the double-edged bite of Truscott’s riotous, disturbing solo show ‘Asking for It.’
The city-bred playwright has gotten to know another America in rural Oregon, where both liberal and conservative communities are failing their young people.
Tom Lazarus’s new play ‘Princes of Kings Road’ traces two Viennese modernists who briefly worked together, then split up—then met again in an L.A. hospital.
A new historical drama at New Jersey’s Premiere Stages sifts through the history of Seneca Village, a black and immigrant community razed for Central Park.
Bookwriter Robert Horn, along with Nashville song pros and director Gary Griffin, aims for the heart as well as the humor of the TV variety chestnut.
Best known stateside as the big-screen Eponine, Barks throws herself into the role of a mischievous French waif.
Two wildly different new versions unveil the woman behind the myth.
The real-life story of jailhouse meetings between two music-loving siblings is the basis of a new play at B Street Theatre.
A blues legend who lived in Rochester, N.Y., for 20 of his quieter years is the subject of a citywide celebration and a new play by Keith Glover.