Entrances and Exits for December 2012
From the Old Globe to Alvin Ailey Dance Foundation, a flurry of staff changes around the country.
Get tomorrow’s theatre news before tonight’s intermission.
From the Old Globe to Alvin Ailey Dance Foundation, a flurry of staff changes around the country.
A 24-hour play festival unites playwrights with young people.
A musical about an Israeli spy in Syria gets a reading at the global meeting place, with contemporary resonances a bonus.
The latest theatrical honors and prizes.
Comings and goings in the top spots at theatre around the country.
New ventures in Denver, Detroit, and New York City, a close call for St. Paul’s Penumbra, an Al Hirschfeld exhibit, and more.
The latest updates from theatres across the county.
Awards and prizes listed from American Theatre’s October 2012 issue.
Entrances and exits from American Theatre’s October 2012 issue.
Christopher Parks’s play ‘Sunjata Kamelenya’ propels its child audience into action.