CAATA Names Soriya K. Chum Inaugural Executive Director
Chum will begin his post at the Consortium of Asian American Theatres and Artists this month.
Chum will begin his post at the Consortium of Asian American Theatres and Artists this month.
Replacing Sean Daniels, Sale will be the first woman to lead the Massachusetts company.
Menary will relocate from Chicago, where he co-founded Jackalope Theatre.
The Chicago company’s artistic director Kurt Chiang will be succeeded by Kirsten Riiber in 2020.
Pastor will work with artistic director Jonathan L. Green in leading the Chicago theatre.
Russo will end his four-year post as managing director at the end of the company’s fiscal year.
Shoshona Currier, Stephanie P. Fortunato, Alyce Lee, and Jacob Padrón have been appointed as council members.
Peponides new role is director, artistic development and producing.
Woffington will step down from his post in January, but will remain on the theatre’s board and executive committee.
Kite will succeed Teri Schwartz in the new year.