A Theatre of Circumstance, or, From Stuck to Strength
Looking toward a post-COVID horizon, we must plan for adjustment, redefinition, and a new kind of relevance.
Dispatches from Arizona, New Mexico, Oklahoma and Texas.
Looking toward a post-COVID horizon, we must plan for adjustment, redefinition, and a new kind of relevance.
The company will present short plays and full-length productions online for free.
The previous executive artistic director, Robyn Flatt, will continue on with the company as executive director/founder.
The project by the Harry Ransom Center is collecting a variety of materials capturing this tumultuous year.
The fund was created to honor Undermain Theatre’s late founding artistic director.
The Dallas company will present a series of intersectional arts experiences in place of a traditional season.
The November festival will feature works from Avante Theatre Project, Teatro Vivo, and ProyectoTEATRO about the Latinx experience.
Jordan will assume the title of founding artistic director emeritus in summer 2021.
The season will kick off with virtual programming as the company continues to assess when it is safe to resume in-person performances.
The Houston company’s season will bring theatre to couches and front lawns alike.