Will There Even Be Theatre Six Months From Now?
Our job now as theatremakers is to adapt to whatever mechanism we have to tell stories.
Stories from the South, in Alabama, Arkansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi and Tennessee.
Our job now as theatremakers is to adapt to whatever mechanism we have to tell stories.
We thought our show was about a community pulling together after a terrible mining disaster, but it seems it was about something much bigger.
The season will feature the return of two annual favorites and a new play from Idris Goodwin.
A unique New Orleans residency puts artists close to both the power and the danger of nature.
The awards, funded by Mellon and Duke, recognize local artists in a wide range of disciplines.
New Orleans’s Goat in the Road Productions immersively restages an overlooked post-Civil War conflict.
What Arkansas Rep learned after it suspended operations last year and turned itself around.
New artistic director Robert Barry Fleming’s first festival program will feature five world premiere plays.
Fleming brings his vast experience working as a multidisciplinary artist across the U.S. back to his home state of Kentucky.
Well, maybe not anywhere—but here are 6 cities where theatre workers can thrive outside NYC, L.A., or Chicago.