Tangled Up in Blue
Political trepidation translates to unfocused theatre at Humana Festival.
Stories from the South, in Alabama, Arkansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi and Tennessee.
Political trepidation translates to unfocused theatre at Humana Festival.
Youthful voices attain greater prominence at this year’s Humana Festival.
The Jon Jory/Jane Martin spirit still infuses America’s most critic-friendly festival.
The founder of Actors Theatre of Louisville offers a few observations and admonitions on the way out the door.
A new-play gallery.
The dark side of the American experience dominates Jon Jory’s farewell edition of the Humana Festival.
Peering over the edge at the Humana Festival.
Two toothsome plays take a bite out of Humana.
Humana is two decades old, and still surprising.
Humana Festival playwrights project trouble on the home front.