The Times of Zelda Fichandler
From the front lines of a theatre revolution, she has been dreamer, pathfinder, and mentor to a generation of artists.
Stories with a national scope.
From the front lines of a theatre revolution, she has been dreamer, pathfinder, and mentor to a generation of artists.
Spolin and Sills Laid Down The Rules. The Generations Who Came After Played by Them. That’s How Chicago Invented Itself.
In play after play at this year’s festival, men fashioned the yokes and women looked for room to move.
Actors Theatre of Louisville is seeking out new work by ‘established American writers,’ with mixed results.
You write a play, you take your chances.
A look back.
Critic and company man, he has built an audience for adventurous work and an institute to train for it.
With some tough battles behind him in Providence, Adrian Hall is back on the theatrical frontlines in Dallas.
An emotional farewell is staged for activist Free Southern Theatre.
The Goodman’s second-in-command looks to the future.