Phylicia Rashad: The Distinguished Actress Tackles a Dangerous Role in Atlanta
Doing ‘Medea’ put her in touch with emotions she usually avoids, but as she learned, there can be great bliss in the release of rage.
Stories with a national scope.
Doing ‘Medea’ put her in touch with emotions she usually avoids, but as she learned, there can be great bliss in the release of rage.
Rounding out their first year since graduation, members of ART’s class of 1995 find reading and spirituality at the center of their new lives as actors.
Now graduated and out working as actors, members of ART’s class of 1995 find themselves walking the fine line between personal choice and professional serendipity.
An ART graduating class hits the pavement of NYC.
Student production of Kushner’s epic finds refuge at Arena Stage.
Humana is two decades old, and still surprising.
He’s playwright, director, theorist—and his own worst enemy.
At Salt Lake Acting Company, Kushner’s Mormon characters have special resonance.
A look at Steppenwolf’s new staging of Faulkner’s ‘As I Lay Dying.’
Humana Festival playwrights project trouble on the home front.