Kurt Beattie To Retire from Helm of Seattle's ACT
After 12 years as artistic director of Seattle’s second biggest LORT theatre, Beattie will hand the reins to director John Langs.
Stories with a national scope.
After 12 years as artistic director of Seattle’s second biggest LORT theatre, Beattie will hand the reins to director John Langs.
The late British author revolutionized children’s literature with his twisted tales, and they’re flourishing anew onstage. What is it about Dahl’s world that seems to suit our own?
Theatre Facts 2013 shows companies are taking smart steps to regain their economic footing after the Great Recession.
It’s not a one-deal-fits-all world anymore, either for theatregoers or theatres.
You’ve raised money to build and staff your theatre—but without cash reserves, you’re just one disaster away from, well, disaster.
In a new installation/show in the Guthrie Theater’s Dowling Studio, artifacts of today become archeological curiosities.
Many new-play programs pay for plays get written and developed. How about one that sets aside money for future productions?
Animals and angels, scientists and seers, extraordinary and ordinary folks jostle for attention in this week’s sampling of U.S. stage offerings.
Gender parity, theatre awards, the mystery of QR codes and our robot future are some of the themes hit by this week’s top podcasts.
A versatile New York theatre administrator and educator will take the reins of Richmond’s intimate venue.