We may not have realized we were building long-lasting institutions to make theatre. But now that we have them, what should we do with them?
Stories from Delaware, Washington, DC, Maryland, New Jersey, New York and Pennsylvania.
We may not have realized we were building long-lasting institutions to make theatre. But now that we have them, what should we do with them?
She’s a director who lights a fire under the familiar.
The persistence, contra the puritans, of Marlowe’s ‘Doctor Faustus.’
A director and a jazz musician discover the music in a trio of Sam Shepard plays.
The unusual education of a puppet-master.
The Visionary Art of Meredith Monk.
They’re forging into their 70s, more in demand than ever.
The Living Theatre in the ’80s.
A forum on ensemble acting.
A Spanish-language festival in New York and symposia on Ibsen and Shakespeare.