Ibsen, Our Contemporary
What gives this 19th-century Norwegian’s plays their lasting power? ‘Power’ is the operative word.
What gives this 19th-century Norwegian’s plays their lasting power? ‘Power’ is the operative word.
The Wisconsin-based theatre has brought performers with disabilities together to tell more authentic stories about the disabled experience.
An ‘Angels’ fan talks to another who’s in the Broadway revival, and a Wisconsinite profiles theatre by and for the disabled.
Our nation’s Native history is all around us, if we would only pay attention. One place to look: at a rising generation of Native theatremakers.
Why three premieres in Oregon are a sign of the times—and a long time coming.
At Arena Stage, Mary Kathryn Nagle’s ‘Sovereignty’ set out to reclaim Native stories—and bodies.
Native theatre in the U.S.’s two non-contiguous states, Alaska and Hawai‘i, shows resonant connections as well as telling differences.
From an activist in Oakland, Calif., to a scenic artist in Atlanta, from an educator in Los Angeles to a producer in New York City, check out this month’s cohort of theatre workers.
From the repeal of a Pennsylvania anti-theatre law to the premieres of ‘Oklahoma!’ and ‘M. Butterfly,’ March was a memorable month for theatre.
He didn’t set out to write shows any more than I did, but when the music and the theatre called, we followed.