This Month in Theatre History
From Jane Addams’s co-founding of Chicago’s Hull House to Jane Alexander as a fictional first female Supreme Court justice, October has been a notable month for theatre.
From Jane Addams’s co-founding of Chicago’s Hull House to Jane Alexander as a fictional first female Supreme Court justice, October has been a notable month for theatre.
From a director of patron services in D.C. to a dramaturg in Illinois, here are some theatre folks you should have on your radar.
Hierarchical leadership and ‘best practices’ from 20, even 10 years ago, are no longer able to solve the challenges facing our field today.
He once dreamt of starring as Tevye, but directing the show’s U.S. premiere in Yiddish will do just fine for the son of Mickey Katz.
Nikki Toombs of Atlanta’s True Colors Theatre Company and Tanya Mote from Denver’s Su Teatro share how engagement and education work fits their theatres’ missions.
The dark tide we’re facing may break, though perhaps not before it’s managed to break things.
Has theatre wounded me as much as or more than it’s healed me?
The education and engagement programs at theatre companies remind us what this field is all about, and who it’s for.
As theatres claim a role at the center of community life, the aim is transformation, not transaction.
Up for a post-show discussion? Four a.d.s explain why they are—and you just might be too.