New Territory for ‘Salesman’
A review of ‘Salesman in Beijing’ by Arthur Miller, with photographs by Inge Morath, Viking Press, New York, N.Y. 254 pp, $16.95 cloth.
A review of ‘Salesman in Beijing’ by Arthur Miller, with photographs by Inge Morath, Viking Press, New York, N.Y. 254 pp, $16.95 cloth.
Updates from all over the U.S.
A roundup of prizes and commissions for writers.
Alternate ROOTS, American Assembly, and the development of operas and musicals.
An outpouring of love for the late director.
A tribute to path-breaking director and TCG co-founder Alan Schneider.
Where does O’Neill stand today, some 30 years after his death? Evidently on a pedestal.
Thoughts on O’Neill from one of his most important interpreters.
The Living Theatre in the ’80s.
These actors are building their lives and careers far from the glow of Broadway.