Huck’s in Trouble Again
Mark Twain’s classic encompasses the suffering which at once splits and joins a whole continent, but some can’t see that through the pain.
Mark Twain’s classic encompasses the suffering which at once splits and joins a whole continent, but some can’t see that through the pain.
Sharp talk in the media about arts funding, pro and con. Plus: global arts cuts, and tax code changes.
On the National Council for the Arts, he’ll speak for the ‘tough, ephemeral’ art of theatre.
TCG Observerships, the Roundabout’s new space, and comings and goings nationwide.
Issues of identity animate new stagings of Jean Genet’s ‘Les Negres’ and Joshua Sobol ‘Ghetto.’
A closure announced and averted.
A review of ‘Deep Song: The Dance Story of Martha Graham’ by Ernestine Stodelle, Schirmer Books, New York, N.Y. 320 pp, $25.95 cloth.
New editions of theatre and performance journals.
And other noteworthy gatherings and festivals.
The Dayton Hudson Foundation’s largesse for arts and arts support orgs, and more.