No Show
If we can’t have theatre until we can gather again safely, what are U.S. theatres and artists going to do in the meantime, and after?
If we can’t have theatre until we can gather again safely, what are U.S. theatres and artists going to do in the meantime, and after?
A Nairobi initiative shows what African artists can learn from American musical theatre, and vice versa.
Among the best practices that are central to our field: taking care of the caregivers.
How to build support for parent artists at U.S. theatres? First let’s build a movement.
Emily Mann and Mary Hodges discuss their experiences as working parent artists, and the hard-won wisdom they’ve gleaned along the way.
How an Off-Broadway company planned and implemented a radical parent inclusion project.
A guide compiled by Parent Artist Advocacy League for Performing Arts + Media.
In 1918 an outbreak of influenza killed millions and shuttered U.S. theatres—and then one day it was gone.
Academic theatre programs quickly adjust to remote learning in the age of COVID-19.
A conversation with the writer of ‘Heroes of the Fourth Turning’ about conversativism, Catholicism, and lingering in discomfort.