Room to Roam, Room to Grow
What might theatre become if we allowed it to look and act wildly different from the traditional forms we’re used to?
What might theatre become if we allowed it to look and act wildly different from the traditional forms we’re used to?
Endangered but essential, the work of arts journalists offers a repository and a reflection of the voices we need more than ever in dark times.
By centering love, generosity, and community, we can heal the theatre and ourselves.
After years of wrenching change, the nonprofit theatre sector can forge ahead by staying connected to its core values of artistic expression, community engagement, and lasting impact.
How new-work development and proactive hiring can solve the problem of near-zero Native representation on U.S. stages.
The challenge of declining attendance also presents an opportunity for theatres to diversify and expand their reach and impact.
Stationed at the center of the production process, stage managers are uniquely positioned to educate, facilitate, and reset expectations.
While finding ways to survive in a system hostile to artmaking, we can also make liberatory practices part of our organizational culture.
Inclusion in the theatre begins, but doesn’t end, with matching diverse programming and new audiences.
Theatre workers unite at the intersection of surplus and scarcity.