6 Theatre Workers You Should Know
From an actor and farmer in Texas to a teatrista in Chicago, here are some theatre workers to have on your radar.
From standout scenic designers, to astonishing administrative personnel, every month American Theatre brings you a list of theatre workers from all disciplines that may be under your radar and that you should know more about.
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From an actor and farmer in Texas to a teatrista in Chicago, here are some theatre workers to have on your radar.
From a scenic artist in California to a casting director in Washington, D.C., here are some theatre workers to have on your radar.
What can we learn from those who came before us? Things we will one day pass on.
From dramaturgs to directors to teachers, here are 6 Windy City artists to keep on your radar.
From a producer in Brooklyn to a costume designer in South Carolina, here are some theatre workers to have on your radar.
From a producer in North Carolina to a set designer in New York, from a playwright in Illinois to a theatremaker in Texas, here are some folks to have on your radar.
From a Texas-bred hair and makeup designer to a Minnesota-based production manager, here are some folks you should have on your radar.
From a choreographer in California to a stage manager in Wisconsin, from a lighting designer in Alaska to an actor in New York, here are some theatre workers to have on your radar.
From an actor in Alaska to a scenic designer in Wisconsin, from a technical director in Texas to a producer in California, here are some folks to have on your radar.
From an arts activist in Pennsylvania to a dialect designer in Arizona, from a performer in New Orleans to a props master in New York City, here are some theatre workers to have on your radar.