Critic Charles Isherwood Leaves NY Times
Originally hired in 2004, Isherwood had outsized influence and aroused passionate feelings, occasionally his own.
Originally hired in 2004, Isherwood had outsized influence and aroused passionate feelings, occasionally his own.
The author discusses having his novels adapted for the stage.
Her iconic black-and-white images of playwrights, collected in a new book, help reveal their subjects’ true selves.
The Emmy-winning actor is currently starring in ‘Endgame’ at Long Wharf Theatre.
The actor is bringing new meaning to the spirit of ‘A Christmas Carol’ at Dallas Theater Center, one ‘Bah! Humbug!’ at a time.
Why the director and designer, longtime collaborators, decided to serve up Shakespeare in a plywood container.
The British director, who’s bringing her new Kneehigh show ‘946’ to Berkeley Rep, tells us why gender parity shouldn’t be so hard to achieve.
The chairman of NBC Entertainment works in TV, but he’s bringing theatre into people’s homes and onto their stages in every way he can.
The ‘Frozen’ songwriter makes her Main Stem debut with ‘In Transit,’ the first a cappella musical on the Great White Way.
The ‘Bad Jews’ playwright responds to a miserable election season with a comic take on a Greek tragedy.