Plays & Playwrights
Awards and programs for writers.
Awards and programs for writers.
Praise for articles on ‘The Greeks’ and ‘Salesman’ in Japan.
He treats design—from’ Sweeney Todd’ to ‘Saturday Night Live’—as a puzzle to be solved.
How does Adrian Hall run 2 resident companies, Trinity Rep and Dallas Theater Center? With a team of trusted collaborators, for starters.
Wole Soyinka gives voice to Africa’s painful history.
A director and a jazz musician discover the music in a trio of Sam Shepard plays.
The ongoing Coyote/Trickster relationship is the subject of Murray Mednick’s seven-play Coyote Cycle, performed recently in Santa Fe.
Fraught international exchanges, holiday shows, anti-nuke readings, and more.
Dickens’ tale is a perfect myth for a capitalist culture.
A note on the theatre.