Global Spotlight
Samplings from Baltic Circle and the Thespis International Monodrama Festival.
Samplings from Baltic Circle and the Thespis International Monodrama Festival.
A Gilbert & Sullivan premiere, direction by theatre pioneeer Nina Vance, and new leadership at Philly’s Walnut Street Theatre.
Kara Lee Corthron puts Grace Slick and ‘Alice in Wonderland’ onstage together in her play for New Georges, ‘AliceGraceAnon.’
‘Carmelina,’ an overlooked romantic musical from Lane, Lerner, and Stein, gets a revival in San Francisco.
Theatres are deftly negotiating the bumps and curves of an economy in flux. Theatre Facts 2011 tracks their progress.
Theatre students learn best, one educator asserts, from futzing around with the unstructured fringes of the art form.
The Joads 2.0.
Anne Hamilton’s oral history project, TheatreNow!, highlights important female figures in the American theatre landscape.
Commemorating the lives of Richard Adler, Gore Vidal, Marina Keegan, Gregory R. Tate, and René Hainaux.
How directors and dramaturgs have approached ‘The Whipping Man,’ ‘The Motherfucker With the Hat,’ ‘Freud’s Last Session,’ and ‘Good People.’