Letters to the Editor July/August 2013
Readers wrote in to applaud accessibility in the theatre and the work of Cynthia Cohen.
Readers wrote in to applaud accessibility in the theatre and the work of Cynthia Cohen.
The playwright directs ‘Anna Christie’ at Berkshire Theatre Group.
Devon de Mayo and Seth Bockley’s new play explores drug-war violence in unexpected ways.
Past Julys and Augusts witnessed birth, death, and the collapse of a theatre.
The Headwaters community story project in rural Georgia comes to a close, having found common ground with the region’s fiercely independent spirit.
Mensch’s play ‘Oblivion’ to open at Westport Country Playhouse
Excursions into the human psyche were de rigueur at this year’s Humana.
Eugenie Carabatsos’s new play may lie in the shadow of death, but its humor is very much alive
Cohen directs the Peacebuilding and the Arts Program to bring the arts to conflicted areas around the globe.
These members of the theatre community have died in recent months.