How Many Zlotys Does It Take to Run a Theatre?
An urgent preoccupation with money for the arts surfaces at Poland’s eclectic Malta Festival.
An urgent preoccupation with money for the arts surfaces at Poland’s eclectic Malta Festival.
For the playwright and the actor, playwriting is a game of push and pull, and being led past the comfort zone.
We asked a number of actors to suss out exciting new-season work by their favorite playwrights, and an equal contingent of playwrights to pinpoint upcoming can’t-miss performances by actors they’re crazy about.
Activated by memories of their creator, the words of the late Sekou Sundiata take on a new meaning.
In writing musicals, the playwright’s job is to build the structure, then get out of the way.
The playwright and the actor talk about their collaboration.
This dynamic actor and playwright duo transform the Undermain Theatre into other worlds.
It’s a place where home-grown writers and local issues make theatrical headlines.
Teatro Visión adapts a classic Mexican film for the stage and explores how hunger has defined—and still defines—low-income communities.
What happened in theatre history this month? We’ll tell you.