Know a Theatre: Maltz Jupiter Theatre of Jupiter, Fla.
This former dinner theatre in Palm Beach County has left its star-studded past behind to focus on crowd-pleasing fundamentals, and on reimagining the musical-theatre canon.
This former dinner theatre in Palm Beach County has left its star-studded past behind to focus on crowd-pleasing fundamentals, and on reimagining the musical-theatre canon.
In dramatizing questions about the man whose beating by police incited riots, solo artist Roger Guenveur Smith finds story that’s deeply American—and quintessentially L.A.
Minneapolis remembers a gentle mentor who shepherded young performers and never had a harsh word for anyone.
From its storefront start to its current status as a linchpin of its hometown’s newest arts district, Everyman Theatre has kept its focus on local actors and literate audiences.
Three hard-drinking Arizona retirees do not go gently into that silent night in Denny Guge’s popular perennial.
Death on a stick: The Old Trout Puppet Workshop brings its irreverent but strangely moving “Famous Puppet Death Scenes” to Woolly Mammoth.
Paul Mesner Puppets cooks up one show each for Jewish, Christian and secular holiday observances.
From Dame Maggie Smith’s birth to Samuel Beckett’s death, December was a month of entrances and exits.
The authors’ presence was elusive yet unmistakable, in two wildly different ways, in two pieces seen at the recent Philadelphia FringeArts fest.
The Writer’s Army creates low-cost, distraction-free writing spaces, coffee included (but snacks extra). Could this model catch on?