Fear of Falling
Pushing ‘Master Builder’ over the expressionistic edge.
Pushing ‘Master Builder’ over the expressionistic edge.
The World Cup meets the collapse Western civilization.
Two toothsome plays take a bite out of Humana.
A Turkish festival mirrors the nation’s cultural crisis.
Humana is two decades old, and still surprising.
He’s playwright, director, theorist—and his own worst enemy.
A look at Steppenwolf’s new staging of Faulkner’s ‘As I Lay Dying.’
Humana Festival playwrights project trouble on the home front.
At this year’s Humana Festival, American playwrights had one thing on their minds.
The theatre of the AIDS Memorial Quilt, a traveling graveyard that combines monumentality with patchwork and reimagines the connection between politics and the sacred.