The Naked Voice
Free the voice and release the body, Patsy Rodenburg says, so you can express yourself fully with truth and authenticity.
Free the voice and release the body, Patsy Rodenburg says, so you can express yourself fully with truth and authenticity.
How philosophy ended its ancient quarrel with theatre.
For actors, voice training and new discoveries in neuroscience can help bridge the disconnect between mind and body.
In an interview, voice-work innovator Catherine Fitzmaurice prescribes a holistic regimen of freedom, release, and transcendence.
In an interview, Cicely Berry reveals how working on the sound and rhythm in Shakespeare can lead actors to the language within themselves.
Senior editor Randy Gener voices his thoughts on the contents of the Jan. 2010 issue’s Approaches to Theatre Training special section.
The French designer Jean-Guy Lecat ponders the living intricacies of space, design and performance.
In the designer-centered laboratory of director Dmitry Krymov, young Russian students are taken on as active collaborators.
A chorus of voices celebrates the legacy of the annual stage design portfolio review at Lincoln Center.
The Lincoln Center bids adieu to a 19-year tradition.