Theatre Bookshelf
Alfred Jarry, Samuel Beckett, Tennessee Williams, Judson Dance Theater, and more.
Alfred Jarry, Samuel Beckett, Tennessee Williams, Judson Dance Theater, and more.
Books about acting and black theatre, as well as histories, criticism, and guidebooks.
Review of ‘Late-Blooming Flowers and Other Stories’ by Anton Chekhov; I.C. Chertok and Jean Gardner, trans., Carroll & Graf Publishers, New York, NY, 252 pp, $8.95 paper, and ‘The Selected Letters of Anton Chekhov,’ edited and with an introduction by Lillian Hellman; Sidonie K. Lederer, trans., Farrar, Straus & Giroux, New York, NY. 331 pp, $22.50 cloth, $7.95 paper.
New tomes on administration, marketing, and other topics.
Reprinted by permission of Farrar, Straus and Giroux, Inc.
The pleasures of both Stanley Kauffman’s ‘Theatre Criticisms’ and Bonnie Marranca’s ‘Theatre Writings.’
A review of ‘Salesman in Beijing’ by Arthur Miller, with photographs by Inge Morath, Viking Press, New York, N.Y. 254 pp, $16.95 cloth.
A.L. Rowse cannot ruin the unique grace and style of Shakespeare’s language; but he taints it more than a little.
A new collection of criticism ranges from infuriating to perceptive, banal to brilliant.
A roundup of new publications.