The Subtext: Tim J. Lord and the Human Story
This month Brian talks with the award-winning playwright about how he went from technician to playwright, and how to find the real drama behind a true historical event.
From AMERICAN THEATRE magazine, a podcast where playwrights talk to playwrights about the things usually left unsaid. In a conversation that dives into life’s muck, we learn what irks, agitates, motivates, inspires and—ultimately—what makes writers tick.
This feed is for the Subtext from 2018 onward. For episodes of the Subtext from 2015 to 2017, visit
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This month Brian talks with the award-winning playwright about how he went from technician to playwright, and how to find the real drama behind a true historical event.
This month Brian talks with playwright, director, and performer Aya Ogawa about “hacking away with a machete” toward a career and directing their own work.
This month Brian talks with the playwright, producer, Fire This Time Festival founder, and Apollo Theater director of new works about drama, balance, and Louisiana history.
This month Brian talks to the Southern-born writer about her journey through acting to playwriting, what her parents taught her, and her own parenting.
This month Brian speaks with the playwright about striving to write one play a year and drawing inspiration from various roles and identities.
This month Brian speaks with the Playwrights’ Center core writer and co-artistic director of Minneapolis’s Red Eye about chance encounters and her relationship to future thinking.
This month Brian talks to the acclaimed actor about the ups and downs of her career, why and how she wrote her first play, and whether she feels she can claim the title ‘playwright.’
This month Brian talks to the writer of ‘Alma’ and ‘In His Hands’ about narration, inspiration, family ties, and Julio Cortázar.
This month Brian talks to the busy playwright and TV writer about sketch comedy, grad school, and the audition that changed her path.
This month Brian speaks with the busy playwright about dramatizing Idaho, promoting the film of ‘The Whale,’ and working on a new play at Steppenwolf.