Stage the Vote: How Theatres Are Helping GOTV
How companies across the U.S. are using their talents and networks to encourage and help folks make their voices heard.
How companies across the U.S. are using their talents and networks to encourage and help folks make their voices heard.
One sign of a shift in traditionally Eurocentric theatre training practices: ‘Black Acting Methods’ was the best-selling theatre book this past summer.
From sci-fi mysteries to history lessons, theatremakers are putting their own stamp on snail mail exchanges.
A Brooklyn theatre company isn’t just rediscovering and cataloguing overlooked plays—they’re aiming to get them into production.
The postponed MCC gala, originally set for April, will play recorded songs for a wide web audience.
As students return this fall, university theatre programs look to new technologies and safety protocols.
This outdoor performance in Bushwick was a reminder of the joys of gathering, and of the magic of New York City.
Her film ‘Red Pill,’ which she thinks of as a Black woman’s ‘Get Out,’ views the nation’s ills through the lens of horror.
Virtual events across the country next week will commemorate the milestone and join the fight still yet to be won.
The Nell Hodgson Woodruff School of Nursing at Emory University is researching safety protocols that could help Atlanta theatres eventually reopen.