During the years of the Civil War, ambitious 15-year-old Jo March and her sisters must navigate hardships, heartbreak, and humility as they come of age in a world bound by class and tragedy. Tender and playful, this production will help you fall in love all over again with these four young dreamers as they discover themselves in a country divided. Little Women is the third production in Milwaukee Rep’s Classics Initiative.
Little Women
During the years of the Civil War, ambitious 15-year-old Jo March and her sisters must navigate hardships, heartbreak, and humility as they come of age in a world bound by class and tragedy. Tender and playful, this production will help you fall in love all over again with these four young dreamers as they discover themselves in a country divided. Little Women is the third production in Milwaukee Rep’s Classics Initiative. Support American Theatre: a just and thriving theatre ecology begins with information for all. Please join…