In Ride the Cyclone, the lives of six teen chamber choir singers are cut short in a freak roller coaster accident. While they’re stuck in the afterlife, a mechanical fortune teller gives them a chance to sing their way back to earth. This quirky, edgy cult musical is part comedy, part tragedy, and wholly enchanting, and will make you feel great about being alive.
Ride the Cyclone
In Ride the Cyclone, the lives of six teen chamber choir singers are cut short in a freak roller coaster accident. While they’re stuck in the afterlife, a mechanical fortune teller gives them a chance to sing their way back to earth. This quirky, edgy cult musical is part comedy, part tragedy, and wholly enchanting, and will make you feel great about being alive. Support American Theatre: a just and thriving theatre ecology begins with information for all. Please join us in this mission by…