Offscript, American Theatre’s flagship podcast for a number of years, is back as a Facebook Live chat with the magazine’s editors and special guests as well as an audio podcast.
On this episode we talk to Daniel K. Isaac, whose professional premiere as a playwright is the ambitious Once Upon a (Korean) Time, a Ma-Yi Theatre production now playing at La MaMa. Best known as an actor for Lloyd Suh play The Chinese Lady and the Showtime series Billions, Isaac talks about how his often frustrating, fascinating dialogues with his mother about both Korean history and his own queer identity led him to writing in the first place, and how his ambition to tell untold stories, interwoven with folk tales, led him to his new play, which was commissioned by Ma-Yi.
You can download the episode here and watch the original Facebook chat here. If you have any feedback or suggestions for Offscript, please reach out to