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Mark Valdez and Jack Reuler. (Photo by Rich Ryan)

Offscript: Mixed Blood Is in Good Hands

On this episode, the editors talk to the founding artistic director of Mixed Blood Theatre, Jack Reuler, and his soon-to-be successor Mark Valdez about leadership, social justice, and the future of theatre.

Offscript, American Theatre’s flagship podcast for a number of years, is back as a Facebook Live chat with the magazine’s editors and special guests as well as an audio podcast.

On this episode, we speak to Mixed Blood Theatre‘s outgoing founding artistic director Jack Reuler and incoming AD Mark Valdez, who will assume the role this summer. Since its founding in 1976, Mixed Blood has been committed to meeting the needs of its community and the Twin Cities at large through “predictably unpredictable” theatre. The guests discuss operating from shared values, reaching across sectors, and ensuring their programming is essential and accessible to all audiences.

You can download the episode here and watch the original Facebook chat here. If you have any feedback or suggestions for Offscript, please reach out to

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