The Subtext is a podcast where playwrights talk to playwrights about the things usually left unsaid. In a conversation that dives into life’s muck, we learn what irks, agitates, motivates, inspires, and ultimately what makes writers tick.
This month’s guest is Caridad Svich, who is a prolific creator working as a playwright, translator, activist, curator, as well as editor. She has been at the forefront of theatre actions, launching notable initiatives like After Orlando in response to the Pulse Nightclub shooting in 2016, and Stages of Resistance for The Lark.
Dozens of her plays have been produced nationally and in 2003 she founded NoPassport Press, an unincorporated, artist-driven, grass-roots theatre alliance & press devoted to cross-cultural, Pan-American performance, theory, action, advocacy, and publication.
On this episode Brian and Caridad convene at Jackalope Theatre in Chicago to discuss her play Red Bike, currently on a National New Play Network rolling world premiere starting with Pygmalion in St. Lake City, then at Simpatico Theatre in Philadelphia, and in 2019 at Know Theatre in Cincinnati and Wilbury Theatre Group in Providence.
Caridad describes her earliest memories of writing, revising the children’s books her mother read to her by tracing the images from the book and writing entirely different stories beneath them. But it was the surprisingly extensive drama section of the Miami Public Library where she traces the roots of her love for playwriting.
With a poetic and deeply empathetic voice, she seeks to develop an intimate relationship with the audience, creating work that she describes as “an experiment in audience engagement.”
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