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Art by Mark Krause.

Caption Contest: Bedroom Drama Edition

Play this month’s Caption Contest and you might win a copy of ‘Sweat’ by Lynn Nottage.

Every month, American Theatre wants your input. We post a new cartoon and you, readers, are invited to write a caption to it. This month’s cartoon is above.

The winner of the contest will receive a copy of Sweat by Lynn Nottage, winner of the 2017 Pulitzer Prize for Drama, published by TCG Books.

The contest is now closed. Please check back in July on our homepage for the newest Caption Contest.

*Participants cannot win two consecutive contests, but are encouraged to keep competing after that.

Last month’s winner and finalists:

Art by Mark Krause

“…Dialects? Sure, I can do them all: Irish Setter, Russian Wolfhound, Australian Shepherd…” —Shawn Fisher


“You’re good, yes, but we’re looking for a really great Dane to play Hamlet.” —Lou Harry

“It says here your special skills are ‘sitting, staying, and being a good boy’?” —John Michael Jalonen


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