GREENSBORO, N.C.: Stage Rights has announced that Laura King will receive the first annual Ready to Publish award, which will be presented annually in partnership with the Southeastern Theatre Conference (SETC). She was selected from five finalists, who pitched their scripts at the 67th annual SETC Convention in March.

The award—which recognizes King’s play Independence Day at Happy Meadows—comes with six months of development time in preparation for publication in the 2017 Stage Rights Catalog of Plays and Musicals. The play follows a disgruntled group of elderly women at a nursing home on the Fourth of July. King will also receive registration to the 2017 SETC Annual Convention, a cash prize, and a reading of her play sponsored by the SETC Playwriting Committee as part of the award.
King is a member of the Hollins Playwrights Lab and an instructor of theatre at Gordon State College. Her 10-minute plays have been produced across the country, and her full-length play Blood Will Out premiered at the New Origins Theatre Company in 2014. Her play The Harmony Baptist Church Ladies Auxiliary Christmas Jubilee premiered at the Lionheart Theatre in December 2015. Her plays are available at YouthPLAYS, Polychoron Press, the New Play Exchange, and now, at Stage Rights.